
Interviews with Ellen Masson

Ellen is one of a small handful of Exercise Physiologists in Australia specialising in managing exercise during eating disorder recovery. Your Movement Space is also one of the few specialty locations in Sydney offering size-inclusive care.

Here are some interviews with Ellen discussing their specialty and passion for fat liberation.

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Sophie Moore - Dentist Webflow Template

Sophie Moore

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Morgan Woods - Dentist Webflow Template

Morgan Woods

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Rhoncus massa felis in sedeol commodo. Augue morbi molestie”

Lila Woods - Dentist Webflow Template

Lila Wood

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Rhoncus massa felis in sedeol commodo. Augue morbi molestie”

Jenn Hiller - Dentist Webflow Template

Jenn Hiller

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Rhoncus massa felis in sedeol commodo. Augue morbi molestie”

John Carter - Dentist Webflow Template

John Carter

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Rhoncus massa felis in sedeol commodo. Augue morbi molestie”

your movement space - exercise physiologist your movement space - exercise physiologist

Paved with Gold – Exercise and Eating Disorders with Ellen Masson

On Paved with Gold, Ellen candidly shares their personal experience with an eating disorder and reflects on navigating recovery while working as a Personal Trainer. They also discusses the signs of unhealthy relationships with movement and outlines their approach to helping individuals rebuild a positive relationship with exercise.

Reserch2Practice – Healthcare & Fat Liberation ft Ellen Masson

On Research2Practice, Ellen delves into anti-fat bias and examines how the medical system discriminates against individuals in larger bodies. They discusses the importance of fat liberation and size-inclusive healthcare in improving health outcomes for this population.

Intuitive Movement During Recovery – Interview with Ellen Masson

your movement space - exercise physiologist